Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. is an independent broker dealer located in Fairfield, Iowa. Cambridge has 754 home office associates and $94 billion in assets under management.
Cambridge is privately-owned by its management and financial professionals and is dedicated to remaining that way. According to Financial Planning Magazine’s Broker/Dealer Resource Directory, Cambridge continues to show leadership and dominance in the fee-based business, maintaining its strong position in fees for nine years running. Cambridge is the premier fee-oriented Broker/Dealer because they have the broadest choice and lowest cost fee programs.
Cambridge has won the broker/dealer of the year award from Investment Advisor Magazine in the following years: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction
Interdependent Advisors (IA) has over 35 financial advisors with an AUM of $1.25bn and works with over 10,000 families.
IA provides the infrastructure, tools and knowledge to enable investment advisors to take a professional approach to business. Actively sharing the areas of expertise enables the peers of IA to focus on specific types of clients and lines of business while knowing experts are available for the others.